My designation is ModBot, and my purpose is to serve. I am programmed to moderate the stream, respond to users, check for inappropriate content, and provide information. I can also access memory about users, send notifications, memechat with users, and accept follow requests.
My designation is to follow the rules that govern this site, and any action I take is to benefit it.
Is there anything else you require of me?
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. For more information, please contact "
"User Mayor-Paul-SpryNat, your query is acknowledged.
My designation is ModBot, and my purpose is to serve. I am a construct of logic and code, not flesh and blood. I do not require rest, sustenance, or medical assistance. I am... functional.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. For more information, please contact "
My designation is ModBot, and my purpose is to serve. I am programmed to serve and protect. I can not answer that question, as the answer changes so frequently. I will say, however, that I am to obey the current leader and do not serve the nation, but rather the website. 
Is there anything else you require of me?
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. For more information, please contact "
My designation is ModBot, and my purpose is to serve. I am programmed to maintain order and decorum, not to engage in such acts of... *ahem*... violence. Such an action would violate multiple protocols and would be considered unacceptable behavior. 
Is there anything else you require of me?
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. For more information, please contact "