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Mister_Fister (12834)
Joined 2016-07-13
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Ajit PaI is trying to kill Net Neutrality AGAIN!!!! in fun
0 ups, 7y
Go Imgflip, save Net Neutrality!!! It's up to us to let them know, we the people are in control not the FCC AND NOT BIG INTERNET PROVIDERS!!!
Ajit PaI is trying to kill Net Neutrality AGAIN!!!! in fun
0 ups, 7y
Ajit PaI is trying to kill Net Neutrality AGAIN!!!! in fun
0 ups, 7y
Please guys we have to save Net Neutrality this is an important issue, if you think fake news is bad wait until CNN and other MSM companies are able to decide which websites you can see and which you can't!!