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Missie1 (2)
Joined 2022-08-19
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Declaration of Independence in politics
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Trump, the President who lifted thousands of Obama's regulations and removed all the red tape so that the American people could flourish.. And flourish we did. More women and black Americans than ever before were able to start small businesses. Under Trump, unemployment was the lowest in history for women, Black and Hispanic Americans. Under Trump, our air and water were the cleanest they've been since the 1980s and he did it by using new technology instead of heavy regulations, and he cut taxes for all Americans and let health insurance companies cross State lines, causing them to compete for customers, making monthly premiums as low as $30 dollars a month. This kept it in the private sector so the government couldn't push their way into our private lives. Trump got us out of all the sneaky backdoor deals made by Obama with other Countries to sell us out, and he stopped China, Canada, Mexico and the EU from ripping us off. Thats why he rewrote NAFTA (a "trade" deal with Mexico and Canada that only hurt America) and made it fair. He prevented wars and brought many soldiers home and he even ordered our Generals to bring home our soldiers from Syria but our woke turncoat Generals ignored President Trump and they even lied to him about where our soldiers were located. He started the First Step Act to get black Americans out of prison, who had been given unfair long sentences for non-violent crimes and he started a program to lift poor black communities out of poverty.. He updated all our missiles, fired the VA workers abusing our Veterans and fixed it so they didn't have to wait to get medical attention and he took insulin prices way down to $35. It went into effect at the end of his Presidency and then Joe repealed it.. Trump got our southern border under control, completely rebuilt our military depleted by Obama.. And he started Space Force so we could catch up with Russia and China who've been developing weapons to attack their enemies from space.. And I could go on and on about all the great things President Trump did for the American people......

And then Joe(Obama) who absolutely despises the American people, came in and reversed EVERYTHING President Trump worked so hard to accomplish for us.

Hopefully you've grown up since posting that silly meme. Maybe you realize how great we had it while Trump was President. He loves America and we're putting him back in the White House in 2024