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MikeLorrey (27364)
Joined 2019-09-08
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Businessman Armstrong Getting Stretched in politics
0 ups, 10mo
average gas station profits on gasoline, dieel, etc: -3%, its a loss leader to get people to buy snacks.
Motherly Advice about Men vs Bears in politics
1 up, 11mo
Funny how this one did not get featured. Ladies on the admin team, y u mad?
Un-Bear-Able Patriarchy in politics
0 ups, 11mo
He has no college degree, but not uneducated. He's a pro at salmon fishing. So he's got a good skilled job, unlike the degreed black bears with worthless degrees picking berries with $100k in college debt.
Global Warming? in repost
1 up, 1y
I created this meme well over 12 years ago for the Watts Up With That blog and FB group.
Who will maintain the roads? in politics
0 ups, 3y
exactly. Roads: a technology so advanced and complex that only government can hire the contractors to do it.