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Memenamade (4825)
Joined 2023-09-05
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the bottom one is my expectations. and my friends said that my expectations are toxic. LIKE ALL I WANT IS SOMEONE WHO WILL BE TH in fun
0 ups, 1y
not me actually finding a guy who likes me back and meets my expectations tho
Upvote if you love the Weasley twins!!! in PotterheadsUnite
0 ups, 1y
"feet off the table"
*takes feet off*
"feet off the table" - George and Fred Weasley
*puts feet back on*
fair enough lol in Dark_humour
0 ups, 1y
That is true, but the only way we can do that is if we stop water pollution and air pollution
fair enough lol in Dark_humour
1 up, 1y
Round two Icebergs V.S. titanic 2.0