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Mememaker5 (3619)
Joined 2015-04-08
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You will eventually get it! in fun
1 up, 8y
too funny for words, that took like five seconds
Grumpy Cat in fun
0 ups, 8y
Beating a dead horse in fun
2 ups, 8y
many sides, giiiiina, bad hombres, snow mexicans, muslim travel ban, said a judge was racist because he is a mexican, in 1973 he refused residence to african americans in his apartments, said he hated having black accountants, would make all black card dealers leave when he went to his casinos, called all mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, said obama wasn't really born in america because he was black and then when he was proven wrong he tried to blame it on hillary, trump said that a black man chanting black lives matter was disgusting and that the trump supporters that attacked him brutally were justified in their actions, when two of his supporters were arrested for beating up a homeless hispanic man and claimed that trump was right and that those illegals needed to be deported he said they were, "well-intentioned", When trump addressed the republican jewish coalition he stereotyped them by saying “I’m a negotiator, like you folks,” "Is there anyone who doesn’t renegotiate deals in this room?” Trump said. “Perhaps more than any room I’ve spoken to.” and it wasn't even a business convention. Good enough for you?
Beating a dead horse in fun
4 ups, 8y
Trump IS racist
just wtf in fun
1 up, 8y