Here is a message for Reaper_The_God_Of_Games: "i'Ve sEeN a sExUaLiTy fLaG aBoUt bEiNg sExUaLiTy aTtRaCtEd tO a sInGlE cElEbRiTy cAlLeD sAbsExUaL. tHiS iSn'T tHe wEiRdEsT i'Ve sEeN" No, idiot, you are disgusting if you think sabesexual is not weird because it is and its invalid and also stop being so soft about invalid flags its so annoying and you should learn that Superstraight is invalid and dreamsexual is invalid as well and shouldn't be thought as valid, you idiot. Please learn that next time, you dumb idiot.
And also to everyone who commented and/or replied to this post:
1. We should hate invalid LGBTQ flags because they are not allowed to be a flag and I am disgusted by this, you guys are annoying af.
2. It's not rude or disrespectful to invalid sexualities because they deserve and must be burnt.
3. The person who posted this is not hurting people and they should post this. My respect for the person who posted this went up really high.
no its not idiot they are invalid and shouldnt exist ugh why do people have to be so soft about invalid flags they should be burnt and should not have been made up