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MaxtheBraincellFree (147790)
Joined 2022-04-19
Previous username: MaxGamer07
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Latest Comments

It’s true in fun
0 ups, 9mo
They've been making pretty good updates. I mean, there's room for improvement, but they aren't terrible.
what chaos am i about to let unfold in fun
0 ups, 9mo
only if the walls are made entirely out of drywall. and you can't just place your hand to see if it falls through, you have to commit to walking through it.
1000 IQ in fun
0 ups, 10mo
my guy multiverse was already first you're a little late
Goodbye pandas in the US in fun
0 ups, 10mo
for now??
1000 IQ in fun
0 ups, 10mo
quarks first