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MarsMakesMemes (1822)
Joined 2017-03-04
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Art by ulsilhouette in fun
0 ups, 4y
Go to her Instagram site, guys! I'm promoting her instagram. She is a great artist and has been creating a comic called Abstract, which you can see on her instagram channel. If you like her art, follow her and please promote it on other channels! She would greatly appreciate it. She is a young artist with great skill and maybe one day she will become an animator in the cinema business.
There was an incident with the mRNA. in fun
0 ups, 5y
This is so dang nerdy I don't know what to think of myself... and yet, I am laughing on the inside at my own Biology joke. xD
I swear you are worse than Greenland right now. in fun
0 ups, 5y
Dang! Lol Greenland is always the hardest for me, because its seriously cold and on top of it they have no airports, just sea ports. So either you get the virus to them through boat before they close or ya dont at all and lose the game. However, this time Caribbean was just not having it no matter nothing. XD
Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 5y
Exactly my thoughts. XD
NS Regions- Purging Gif-ish. in fun
1 up, 8y
Something only NationStates players would understand. I was making it for a regional post there on Citizenship Purging thread, to be silly.