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MarioBergnini (6)
Joined 2021-09-04
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baby lion and momma lion; mrs lion yelling at mr lion, dad walks with cub in fun
0 ups, 3y
Nothing wrong with lgbt but that social bullshit does not belong in school, the only thing that belongs in school is mathematics, science real history devoid of political propaganda, art, sports, gym. None of this liberal social justice brainwashing slanted anti American garbage belongs in school
ANTIFA in politics
0 ups, 3y
Um yeah accept the real anti fascists are capitalist, not communists retards who are even worse and less tolerant then fascist.
There's only one system that is inclusive to everyone shit for brains it's called CAPITALISM. Capitalism destroyed evil fascism and it destroyed evil communism. Capitalism is the only system that destroys evil and includes everyone.