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MargaretAnnCasey (25)
Joined 2024-03-09
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More Biden Family Dementia And Delusions in Real_Politics
0 ups, 11mo
Trump's policies were to start a trade war with China to get people's jobs back. We've learned that tariffs only cause harm to both economies involved since the 1930 Haley Smoot Act showed that.

He spent money to fight in Syria, which unnecessarily caused tensions with Russia, why?

He ended Obamas agreement that might have put any restraint on Iran making nukes. Trump did slap sanctions on Iran, but that did less to slow Iran down from making nukes.

He let a cap on nukes deal with Russia end without talking about renewal.

He was found guilty of insurrection for Jan 6 riot in The Colorado State Supreme Court. He was consequentially barred from The Colorado ballet.

His NAFTA 2.0 didn't do much.

After the 2008 financial crisis, The Dodd-Frank act was passed to prevent another crisis like that from happening again. Then Trump worked with a republican run congress to raise the threashhold for which banks The Dodd Frank Act applied to. Instead of medium and large banks, The Dodd Frank act only applied to large banks after Trump did this. Guess what happened to the medium sized banks a few years after this change to The Dodd Frank? They had another 2008 style financial crisis and FDIC had to bail them out... again.

One of his biggest policy points was to build a wall across Mexico, "and make Mexico pay for it." If I just put aside that second part as so unrealistic that I knew that part wouldn't happen at all, building a wall is stupid, and won't be the thing that stops immigrants from entering the usa. The design chosen was passeable with some effort and ingenuety. Trump couldn't budge a republican house and senate to fund it because although the average republican voters want it, the elite republicans know its stupid.

He ordered mass arrests of illegal immigrants, and the gov, under Trumps leadership, seperated children from thwir parents and put them all in inhumane conditions. It was almost as bad as executive ordee 6601 back in ww2 that basically put Japanese Americans in internment camps. But it wasnt quite as bad or rhe same arguably.

Trump ended the pacific trade agreement that Obama spent a long time negotiating, and might have been the only thing that might have had China honor patents, but now China has no agreements or obligations to heed usa patents. This is in light of the fact that when Obama asked China to cut back on hacking the usa, some secondary evidence showed that China pointed their hackers away from the usa and at Germany as well
More Biden Family Dementia And Delusions in Real_Politics
0 ups, 11mo
Afghanistan Withdrawal Facts

Trump not Biden Negotiated directly with the Taliban terrorists and excluded the Afghan army.

Trump not Biden Drew down US forces from 13,000 to 2,500, making them vulnerable to attack.

Trump not Biden Ordered the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters from prison, one of whom would become the new leader of Afghanistan.

Trump not Biden Wanted to invite the Taliban

leaders to Camp David on the anniversary of September 11th. Seriously.

Trump not Biden Agreed to a May 1st exit from Afghanistan, then bragged that he didn't need an exit strategy.

Trump not Biden Refused to brief Biden's

incoming team on the situation in Afghanistan.

Trump not Biden Shut down every airbase

in Afghanistan except one, crippling the US's ability to extract its assets safely.

Pay attention to facts, not bullshit
More Biden Family Dementia And Delusions in Real_Politics
0 ups, 11mo
From 2016-2018 the GOP Republicans controlled the White House & Congress-did nothing on immigration legislation & legal border security.


GOP has blocked immigration reform as far back as G.W. Bush - You cannot both block reform and bitch about it. It's only an GOP issue during a political year.
More Biden Family Dementia And Delusions in Real_Politics
0 ups, 11mo
Part 4:

56) Using paid, unidentifiable militias to illegally invade cities and restrain unarmed, peaceful protesters in violation of their 1st Amendment rights against the will of city and state officials.
57)Actively seeking to destroy the Affordable Care Act leaving millions without healthcare during a pandemic, and without a long promised Republican replacement ‘plan’.
58) Insisting schools re-open in the midst of a pandemic, without a Federal plan.
59) Countless attacks on the LGBTQIA community from day one.
*** this space reserved for the numerous, un- American actions taken by this president
that I failed to mention ***

*Let's face it - the guy has serious mental & emotional issues that has put our country in constant harms way.
More Biden Family Dementia And Delusions in Real_Politics
0 ups, 11mo
Part 3:

38) Ordering staffers to lie in their testimony before Congress, and to fake documents to present to the investigators
39) Allowing Kushner to conduct personal loan business in meetings held in the White House, including a loan meeting with bankers who agreed to give Kushner $184 million dollars
40) Russia funneling money through the NRA to Trump
41) Receiving $120 million to combat Russian election meddling from Russia and not spending one cent of it to fight Russian interference
42) Allowing Kellyanne Conway to violate the Hatch Act multiple times with no punishment or even a stern talking-to.

43) Appointing one-third of the EPA officials from the ranks of big-oil companies
44) After only one year, 36 separate ethics complaints regarding significant conflicts of interest had been filed against the Trump administration. That number grew and continues to grow. Financial ethics violations included personal vacation trips to Paris, Disneyland and first class airfare, meals and hotels on jet-set boondoggles around the world.
45) Taking money away from military/national defense spending to pay for a short section of border wall
46) Multiple Trump associates either being indicted, convicted or actually going to jail for lying about the extent of Russian collusion with the Trump administration.
47) Ending funding for NASA and NOAA to monitor climate changes
48) Intentionally destroying official documents in violation of The Presidential Records Act
49) When asked if he thought Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford was telling the truth about Brett Kavanaugh, Trump answered “It doesn’t matter — we won.”
50) Open racism from the Oval Office, giving permission to bigots to increase anti-minority violence and hate crimes

51) Downplayed a major Worldwide Pandemic & tried to dismiss it as a hoax. Dismantled a task force put in place by his predecessor which was designed to protect America against a Pandemic... This led to unnecessary infections & economic disaster.
52) Suggested that people should inject cleaning disinfectants & have a heated light source placed in their bodies internally to combat the virus
53) Failure to respond to Russian bounties against American military
54) Sold our weapons to the Islamic state of Saudi Arabia - home of the 911 bombers
55) Got Impeached for trying to bribe a foreign nation into helping him cheat in an upcoming election.