The Bible is the story of god hammering his rules into his people over and over again before sending them Jesus as their King. Jesus was not accepted and so they became the chosen people but really they're chosen for suffering. Anybody who tears down their King the way the Jews have and one so innocent as Christ himself deserves to be in exile and have suffering poured upon them for eternity.
None of them perfect men. Not one. Noah was a drunk. Abraham married his half sister and she was crazy. And he gave in to her when she threw him a concubine! Disgusting! And Isaac? He fell for Rebecca's ploy giving his blessing to Jacob instead of Esau who he preferred. Jacob himself was not free of sin.
That's right. Pontius Pilate's heart wasn't in it. The evil Jews' hearts were. They had plotted to kill Jesus for a very long time. Every time Jesus got angry and rebuked people it was the Jews who were his targets. When he said "blood doesn't matter and it won't save you" it piqued their rage to no end. Jesus was regarded as a fly in the ointment to Jews and not accepted at all by them. That tells you something about them.
And even he said "no man is good." Most Christians were anti-Semites until some weird strain infected America and the holocaust made everybody unwilling to so much as disagree on the best ice cream flavor with a Jew. The truth is the Jews do not deserve half the respect and sympathy they get on the world stage and the sooner we break free from that type of reductive and naive thinking the better.
The Jew today is different from the Hebrews of the Old Testament. Many do not even follow the Torah but the Talmud. And if you read the Old Testament properly you'd know god was constantly mad at the Jews and punishing them because they're a bunch of bastards. There was not one good man on this planet until Jesus Christ came.