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MaggieShannon (2)
Joined 2018-06-01
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gay agenda in fun
0 ups, 7y
Ok, so, let me get this straight, (that wasn't a pun. I swear) if Christians are 'retarded' for believing everything a book told them, then riddle me this...

1) Applying this logic to another religion, for example: Islam, then wouldn't that make Muslims 'retarded' for believing everything a book told them? (The Quran)

2) Why would people be murdered because of a simple, harmless book? It's recorded history. People actually died (martyrs) for what this 'book' told them. I don't see why anyone would die for something that was all just made up.

3) Lgbtq+ people (at least here in America) already have civil unions. An Lgbtq+ person who wants to get 'married' to their significant other can do so through a civil union. Nobody is stopping gays from getting together. But Marriage in itself is a Christian sacrament meant to bring life into the world. Personally, a gay couple wanting to get a civil union is fine. But overstepping into someone else's personal beliefs and forcing a person or group to conform to a 2% is quite rude in my eyes. A civil union is practically marriage, but the couple is just not recognized as a couple in the eyes of God. (I'm really bad at explaining things. I apologize. But if you're going to call an entire group of people 'retarded' for their beliefs, please do your research first.
Thank you. Have a nice day/night.)