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Madbassist (6364)
Joined 2018-03-29
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Mic check in fun
0 ups, 5y
Emoji-less in fun
0 ups, 5y
K so this was made for a specific Facebook post ;)
You know how when you type a word like “happy”, you might see a bunch of different happy-themed emoji suggestions?
If you count 4 from the left, the person who made the post was suggesting that that particular face, whichever it may be, was the face you made during a particular activity that often results in either an enjoyable evening, or a night of Soul-crushing remorse and self judgement, depending on your state of mind when getting into it in the first place.
Emoji-less in fun
0 ups, 5y
When you open your emoji’s list, they pop up in a row :)