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Lutan2112 (11475)
Joined 2020-05-29
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Mainstream Media translation in politics
1 up, 4y
It’s absolute insanity and further proof of the mainstream media’s depravity. I don’t care if you love or hate Trump, Trump himself has said he would leave and even the majority of Trump supporters would demand Trumps removal as long as it’s obviously clear Biden won. The only reason for it is to push the narrative of fascism on weak minded people who can’t think for themselves and need to be told what to think.
Untitled Image in politics
3 ups, 4y
You need to change that to more money for rich people next to all of them and then this meme will be accurate and you forgot Bush senior. Also, it is hysterical that you would think eliminating the deficit was a goal of Clinton’s! That was a deal he didn’t want that a republican congress pushed him into.
Candace Owens in politics
4 ups, 4y
Perfect! Short and sweet and right on. Let the awakening grow!
The poor spend money because they have to. This helps the economy. The rich hoard money, which helps only themselves. in politics
0 ups, 5y
Or perhaps, maybe some of us understand economics and realize the hidden inflation tax that comes from printing trillions of dollars will have long term devastating effects on the lower and middle class, creating an even wider equality gap. It seems the road to hell is always paved by liberals with good intentions, who never realize that actions do have consequences.
racist sports logo in politics
1 up, 5y
I think that the Redskins should change their name. Not because of Political Correctness, but something that fits much much better to their location. They should rename themselves to The Corruption. Every true American would buy a jersey of the Washington D.C. Corruption.