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Lorelaihatesschool (198)
Joined 2024-09-03
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15 Creations

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Two Buttons in fun
1 up, 4mo
Go with mute, if you need to call 911 you can!!!
Taylor Swift is overrated in fun
1 up, 4mo
My friend was attacked by swifties.... But j.k Rowling deserves the fam her poor back storys
There are kids starving and yall are hating on something so petty in fun
3 ups, 4mo
My teacher said that so i said... Let ME teach you something cus Tomato is a fruit!!!!!!!!! ( I got detention after)
Buff Doge vs. Cheems in fun
0 ups, 4mo
I miss old youtube to the fact i only watch videos from like 2 years ago
me vs minecraft in fun
0 ups, 4mo
You even go near homework?