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LittleMsGoldenHamster (394579)
Joined 2020-02-06
Feel free to use my memes with permission.
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There's Something Fishy About Femininity in fun
1 up, 3mo
I only wear makeup for special occasions. I'm not wasting time on any average day when I could be asleep. Besides, I know I'm already beautiful. 😊 (Not vain, just confident.)
The actual bad parents. in fun
1 up, 8mo
At my local carnival, I saw a baby sitting down hunched over her iPad like a shrimp. It concerned me.
yelling spongebob in fun
0 ups, 8mo
As someone with long, soft hair, I experience tickle torture all the time. πŸ˜’
In jail? in cats
1 up, 8mo
Manslaughter πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
Untitled Image in fnaf
1 up, 8mo