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LillyRosen (74)
Joined 2017-08-10
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Michael "Chad" Johnson and "IT" in fun
0 ups, 8y
A mentally ill person would create sooo many profiles on here to spew hatred. You are sickening Ashley, get real. Get a life.
Not "it" in fun
0 ups, 8y
Ashley you wish you were with Chad and his baby daughter was with you and not Brittany. Face it. He found younger and better and got rid of your drug addict self!
Y u SO homely in fun
0 ups, 8y
replydeleteflagLillyRosen0 ups
Elizabeth Ashley Thomas is crazy and making these stupid memes to make fun of a guy who wised up and dumped her for a sweet girl. Chad and Brittany have a cute family and never bother Ashley. But meth addict Ashley can't let it go. So ppl are making gifs of her now too. Lol
Michael "Chad" Johnson and "IT" in fun
1 up, 8y
Ashley you are sick. What a loser meth mouth dried up coochie ho you are. Chad dumped you for way better than you could ever be!