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LibertyAndJusticeForAll (9396)
Joined 2020-05-30
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Black = Poor in politics
0 ups, 2y
Perhaps you've forgotten that most KKK were Democrats, and until 2010, there were actual KKK leaders serving as Democrats in Congress.
The Confusing Road to the Juneteenth Federal Holiday in politics
1 up, 2y
I think ignoring this isn't helping things.
The Confusing Road to the Juneteenth Federal Holiday in politics
1 up, 2y
So you're cool screwing over Texas blacks and their supporters so white Leftist elites in the Northeast can score political points, then.
The Confusing Road to the Juneteenth Federal Holiday in politics
1 up, 2y
This was a highly-regarded Texas holiday. What's happened to it since it was made a federal holiday is unconscionable.
The Confusing Road to the Juneteenth Federal Holiday in politics
1 up, 2y
This was a highly-regarded Texas holiday. What's happened to it since it was made a federal holiday is unconscionable.