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Lemonade_Lime-731 (17104)
Joined 2024-03-06
Lemonade_lime_173's alt :3 》 》37 Lil beans 🕶🍋 LETS GO!!!
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Not a hard copy and is on a website so yeah... Their goes 5 hr's of my life in Eeveelution_Squad
1 up, 3mo
Mudkip was level 26
Zigzagoon level 11
Ralts was 4
And 10 for aron
Not a hard copy and is on a website so yeah... Their goes 5 hr's of my life in Eeveelution_Squad
1 up, 3mo
I had a
Mudkip named Capybara
Zigzagoon named Ziggy boi
Ralts names Reeeeaaaad
And finally a Aron named
Syncope, cuz I caught it on 1 HP, thank god for sturdy
Glaceon wink in Eeveelution_Squad
0 ups, 3mo
Ello and welcome :3
HAHA AND ON MY B DAY, THANK YOU RNG GOD'S ( yes I know his name is celibi, read tags} in Eeveelution_Squad
1 up, 3mo
.. . Is it normal for your sister to pull arcanite ex and a full art Pikachu ex almost back to back?