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LarsLarson (389)
Joined 2017-01-29
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The Fight Against Ignorance in fun
2 ups, 7y
There is a difference between the "Science" we are fed in the Media, and the Science going on in Laboratories around the world. You just have to read the research publications yourself on sites like PubMed to realize this. For instance, we are unsure of the causes of Autism, but one theory is that it could be caused by an AutoImmune Reaction in the brain. We also know that when our Immune System in kicked into overdrive, it can sometimes form Antibodies that attack the bodies own cells in an AutoImmune reaction. So logically one must consider that when something like a vaccination "excites" our immune system, it could form autoimmune antibodies that attack any organ the body, including the brain, causing a dysfunction in the brain, resulting in Autism.

The Media, in cohoots with the most powerful, such as billionaire drug companies who produce Vaccines as well as the treatments for Autism Symptoms will refuse to report on this, for fear the Billionaires will pull their funding from if they report on the real Science. Not to mention, real Science gets pretty boring and will be tuned by the average viewer.

Politicians are also paid for by Drug Companies.
Me on Valentine's day in fun
3 ups, 7y
Hmm i tried posting the link, didnt work. Then tried posting the codes at the bottom, didnt work. Then, tried posting my download of it as a video instead of a photo, didnt work either. Maybe the problem has something to do with me trying to post it on a mobile device. I read on a few websites, all one had to do was post tge URL and it would cone up.
Me on Valentine's day in fun
3 ups, 7y
Can anyone tell me how to post this on my facebook stream to where it will auto stream like it does on here? When i share it on facebook, it just posts the link where they have to open it up to watch it. When i download it on my phone and then post it on facebook, it only shows a picture in my stream. Thanks for any help!