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Laffinboy71 (17892)
Joined 2018-08-27
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Latest Comments

Meme #3,364 in fun
2 ups, 2y
As if that would happen.LoL More like here's 8 prescriptions that will be about $500 after co-pay, and don't forget to pay the receptionist on the way out.
Untitled Image in signs
0 ups, 2y
I have to Share this
Actually real in fun
0 ups, 2y
I could see a bike, or a classic car as a certified Bruh moment. not a 3 door golf cart. X )
Please repost the story of this hero in fun
3 ups, 3y
not trying to be rude , but I think this was around from a different school shooting.
Change My Mind in politics
0 ups, 4y
It's a very popular book call the Bible look it up