Captioned a moment of Dave Cullen during a scene were he does the pepe "REEEEE!"-Scream in Response to how the media / leftist could have sounded like as they reported on something. Forgot where, though.
My attempt with this meme is to make fun of overreaction media responses.
(For a more clear picture, pun intended or not, if a lot of words confuse you, simply watch the other meme(s) I use(d) with this template).
Well, I think, as there is no "clear visible system" for what is a tooth worth (different type of teeth, sometimes get the "same money" or multiple teeth sometimes "don't give more money", how big the teeth were etc.). It doesn't matter, as only the teeth itself matter :3
(or maybe those with gold or silver caps / diamonds on them are having such sold to finance the teeth to money trade?^^)