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L1zAd_is_tired (25862)
Joined 2020-05-06
Be gay, do crime 🤘🏳️‍🌈
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My opinion in gaming
0 ups, 12mo
Omg I was hoping at least someone would reply being supportive at some point, cause good god this comment section is horrific. Thanks for being an ally dude, your sister is definitely lucky. It's always amazing to have people like you around in these trying times :D 🏳️‍🌈
My opinion in gaming
0 ups, 1y
Fine then, I'm sick of yelling at someone about whether or not I should be considered part of this species or whether or not abortion is ethical or anything this God-forsaken thing was about. Ffs I literally just made a stupid joke and now I have to type essays defending my own community. I will not believe that anyone has ever tried to "convert you to the gay", because every single right-winger whines about that and it is simply not something that happens. At least not NEARLY enough for it to be relevant. Maybe like 5 cases.
At most, I believe the people you speak about just wanted to educate you due to your willful ignorance. We don't wanna harass people, we don't want to drag them into being gay, we just want to be understood and treated like any other members of society. There are some bad apples in EVERY community, no matter what it is. Educate yourself please, because I'm f**king done here. Peace 🏳️‍🌈
My opinion in gaming
0 ups, 1y
Gay people can fly! Trans people have x-ray vision! Bisexuals can shapeshift! Is that what you expect my response to be in order to consider us worthy members of society? Of the human race? What do straight people do that's soooo amazing? OTHER THAN MAKE CHILDREN? Hm? Nothing. Both gay and straight people are just PEOPLE with the exact same abilities. Some straight people are infertile. Are they useless? Should we burn them at the stake and shun them from public view because they can't have kids?
And where tf did furries come from in this? Furries are even less of a valid point than gay people. Furs are really nothing more than people who like expressing themselves with animal characters, and watched Robin Hood because cool talking animal on 2 legs. A lot of them are very accomplished and professional people too, with positions at NASA, in the medical field, etc.
My opinion in gaming
0 ups, 1y
If you're being fr that's actually crazy bro 💀
Where do you think we came from? (Do not say god. For hell's sake do not say it was god or something bc it was not.)
My opinion in gaming
0 ups, 1y
No one is doing that, buddy :)
I am very active in the LGBTQ+ community and never once have I seen people trying to make straight people gay/trans/whatever. Whatever fantasy land you live in is just that, fantasy. Quit acting like you, a bigoted straight man, know more about my community than, idk, actual queer people like myself???