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Kirito139 (3001)
Joined 2023-03-09
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Go on, I dare you in fun
0 ups, 2y
powerwolf, sabaton, amon amarth
100 upvotes and this goes to the vegan stream in fun
0 ups, 2y
you sound depressed
100 upvotes and this goes to the vegan stream in fun
0 ups, 2y
imitation meats abound, and they're perfectly healthy. try an Impossible burger sometime.
100 upvotes and this goes to the vegan stream in fun
0 ups, 2y
that... is messed up. cows don't have an overpopulation problem in spite of humans, they have it *because* of humans. And milking cows doesn't really prevent infections. It does, however, take away a baby's natural food source.
100 upvotes and this goes to the vegan stream in fun
0 ups, 2y
we don't claim we're saving "living things", we're saving "conscious things" specifically. and if everyone were vegan, there would be lots of food left over for animals that currently don't have enough, since farming plants uses much less land than farming animals.