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Kidnamedfingergaming (7773)
Joined 2021-05-10
"I'm out here strokin my back"-Ben Farb
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RAGU in fun
1 up, 3y
Gettin some serious doomslayer vibes man
RAGU in fun
1 up, 3y
literally the most disgusting pasta sauce known to man.
The trenches were tough for daddy pig in Dark_humour
2 ups, 3y
Daddy pig reflects on the sheer terroir he experienced at the battle of the Somme, watching the soldiers ahead of him mowed down by a German machine gun. He wonders what will come in the future, and prays that Peppa and Georgie will never have to experience what he had.
The trenches were tough for daddy pig in Dark_humour
3 ups, 3y
It do be like that sometimes
Just a quick reminder! in fun
0 ups, 4y
Why did you do it in the first place bruv