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K.S.2 (26701)
Joined 2020-10-02
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That face you make when you've sold your soul to the devil in politics
1 up, 4y
More likely... It was a traumatic event for her that many years ago, but it was "just another night" for all of the people she may have told or confided in at that time. Think about a traumatic event in your life? Death of a mother/father/brother, now you probably remember who you first talked to, but if as many years has passed as had there, they probably won't recall.
That face you make when you've sold your soul to the devil in politics
0 ups, 4y
Evidence? You say you need evidence at a trial? Oh boy! Next you'll want witnesses too. Trails don't need that, just ask Mitch - no evidence, no witnesses
That face you make when you've sold your soul to the devil in politics
0 ups, 4y
Question: Your employer picks the providers they offer, they pick the plans they offer, they pick the coverage they want to pay for/offer - Oh, but it's the Dems fault, not your employer's? Same people who blame immigrants for taking their jobs when the employer didn't want to pay you a living wage. Repubs are doing very good at making the working class vote against their own interests more and more.
Well it's official XD in politics
0 ups, 4y
I can confirm. I've seen her escort pictures with the other woman on the internet. She's getting into her prime, it's almost time for donny to cheat on her and knock up some other woman.
Will you wear a Goddamn mask now, you cucks? in politics
1 up, 4y
Why is he getting helpicoptered to a hospital - its just like the flu