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JohnFRoss (19203)
Joined 2017-09-27
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Hiroshima tribute in politics
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To any haters, my conscience is clear...
Untitled Image in you-had-one-job
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They are from a deck used for card magic.
How do I...? in politics
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Untitled Image in politics
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People keep expressing fear of war with Iran. What a ridiculous fear! Iran fighting with us is like your three-year old son threatening to fight the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. We can render Iran destitute and with almost no casualties and little cost in, what? A week? Two weeks?
We can probably sink their entire navy in a week. Ditto their entire air force. Remember when we attacked Iraq, their air force fled to Iran to hide. We should have destroyed those aircraft on the ground in Iran. We could cut all Iran’s oil and gas pipelines with thermite charges, I suspect in a week or two. We can destroy all eight of their refineries in an hour or two.
No boots on the ground. No US KIA. Drones and missiles. Few enemy KIA because they would park their navy and air force and run away from the ports and airports. No Iranian is going to climb into a ship or war plane and charge at the US troops. And he would be killed if he did. Near the end of WW II in the Pacific, Japanese DID climb into planes and ships including the battleship Yamato, the world’s largest, and kamikaze planes. We mowed them down. The Yamato was going full speed to the battle of Okinawa and was sunk 200 miles from that island, far short of the range of its huge guns.
The fact that Dems are afraid of such a puny, glass-house military as Iran’s is a stark proof of how ridiculous the American anti-war movement has become. Iran’s power comes from one source: oil. Their oil comes from wells under the Persian Gulf or near it and travels through above ground pipes to out-in-the-open refineries. Seriously?

Trump should have the drone pilots in Nevada (or wherever) in rotating shifts 24/7 sitting at their computer terminals, taking out Iran's oil production and transmission infrastructure with package-delivery drones dropping thermite charges. Then he should invite Iran's citizens to join the 21st century by taking back control of their country from the terror-mongers.

If they can do that, great. If not, that's not our problem.