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JimCantell (2)
Joined 2020-03-10
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politics in politics
0 ups, 4y
Also, name calling? Now stephen, is that what we learned in 3rd grade? Oh YEAH??!! Well your a big stupid butt face righty republican who keeps his mouth on the governments dick blah blah all encompassing generalities that people who cant think deeper than their own dick and whatever else stupid people say to insult each other lol. You got a bit of growing up to do there Stephen, you should get on that pretty fast cupcake ;)
politics in politics
0 ups, 4y
Dont actually pay attention to world events huh? The sotck markets crashing due to faith in america waning over our repsonse to this. He wanted infected people to stay on a boat (He literally said that on national tv, look it up, watch the video. He didnt NOT create a team for the CDC, he FIRED the actual health overwatch team in 2018. Again, look it up, read, learn. Oil prices skyrocketed after syria and ukraine have abandoned us, or rather we abandoned them. Look it up, read, learn. Sounds to me like your just making shit up and gaslighting the shit out of your answers. But 5 minutes of research would fix all your mistakes. Try again maybe and get back to me with sources and real answers :)
politics in politics
0 ups, 4y
And he failed! Such a fail! So much fail that the stockmarket is nearly destroyed and the infection count is climbing quickly in America. Way to go!