we can know, Jesus rose from the dead and told us what happens. if our conversation ends here, thank you for your time. i would be glad to continue whenever you like, but if not, thank you. this video sums up where our conversation was heading if you want to watch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soLhahpZMgI
God bless!
it's no argument, just a conversation. you should and can find out, there's nothing more important than where you spend eternity. and just because death is inevitable doesn't mean you shouldn't try to find a way to avoid it. it's like you were standing in the middle of the road, a car is coming towards you and you say, death is inevitable so im not going to move. that would be silly! and if i saw you doing that i would push you out of the way so you can be safe. do you love life?
You should find out, you wouldn’t get on plane without knowing where it is going and your eternity is so much more important. does not knowing make death scary?