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JesperNielsen1 (101)
Joined 2020-04-14
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They're The Same Picture in fun
1 up, 4y
There are several liquid explosives that looks like water, not to mention acids, and other rather deadly chemicals.
What i dont get is all those things you can bring, like deoderant, shampoo, nail polisher.
Heck i bet you could baord with a bomb in parts.
Take the C4, and remove the detonator.
Place the varius parts in other electronic devices. When onboard assemble the thing, and boom.
Change My Mind in fun
1 up, 4y
Meh, i would rather say that tree is uncut money.
So I went to the grocery store the other day. Saw this sign at the entrance. in fun
0 ups, 4y
I'm confused.

Are these things not allowed inside, or are you not allowed inside when not wearing these things, includng service. You need to wear service.