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JStokley1 (5932)
Joined 2016-07-30
Brain Injury Warrior
57 Featured Images
85 Creations

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You Life Matters! in fun
0 ups, 6y
It's Living that's hard, that's what you should Never Give Up On. LIVING!!!
Shout It Out in fun
0 ups, 8y
Are you also a BI Survivor? If so, ABI or TBI? I'm a TBI Survivor myself.
Shout It Out in fun
0 ups, 8y
If everyone could throw a party for the millions of New Brain Injury Survivors for life that occur every single year, that would be freakin' awesome!!! I am one of them and I sure would love it, teeheehee :)
Stay Strong Baby in fun
0 ups, 8y
Thanks & LOL
I never give in, I never give up! in fun
1 up, 9y
I only just recently learned how to even make these pictures. I don't know about pages and such. I create them for my Community Pages dealing with Survivors like myself who survived Traumatic Brain Injuries which also has severe crippling depression and worse in the TBI Community. It's only been 9 yrs for me, I'm still learning everything all over again. Maybe one day I can...