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Joined 2020-05-24
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Yet another school has allowed boys to infiltrate girls' bathrooms, and vice versa. This should not be tolerated. in MEMES_OVERLOAD
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Ok I went through all the trouble to tell you that no, trans people are not trying to take away women's rights. Actually, in fact most if not all of them support and possibly actively advocate for them. Trans women feel more threaten by cis people like you than you do. Trans men and women do not wish to harm anyone and are just trying to live their daily lives like anyone else. People living their lives does not affect you or take away your rights in any way. I really, really hope this is trolling. But if it is not you clearly have not met or ran into a person who is openly trans. And even then a lot of trans men or women are into the opposite gender than they identify as. They are not into you simply because of the genetalia which they happen to have been born with.