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HugoSchnauzer (7735)
Joined 2015-01-12
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MAGA exiting for Fascism in politics
1 up, 7mo
Title 42 wasn't an immigration provision - it's the Public Health Code. So yes, they were Democratic. It has been standing law enacted by Congress long before COVID or SARS had ever evolved.
MAGA exiting for Fascism in politics
1 up, 7mo
I see you never read P25's playbook... much less did you pick up Politico this morning. Trump is literally talking about internment camps as well.
Trump doesn’t care about national defense or military in politics
1 up, 7mo
I got muted and downvoted for posting a fact... yay... ImgFlip community is awesome...
Trump doesn’t care about national defense or military in politics
1 up, 7mo
He committed crimes and wants to have exceptions to the laws... so ya... he kinda is anti-law enforcement.
Trump doesn’t care about national defense or military in politics
2 ups, 8mo
My point is not invalid. He vetoed and his veto was seriously outvoted by Congress. His veto was based on something that had no bearing on National Defense and he did it without care or concern about how his actions defunded our Military. As for “my tone,” referring to you as MAGA is not a tonal matter and if you’re going to defend a criminal and fascist you deserve the label.