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HookerJay (4173)
Joined 2017-01-30
Far leftist commie moonbat, equal opportunity offender, founder of Togonzo Media on YouTube
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wildfire in politics
0 ups, 2mo
I read on Twitter or somewhere that one rich family (can't recall who) in California owns like the largest water reservoir in the entire state. But the hydrants are dry. It's insane. This can't be hand waved away with incompetence - this is melevolance. Pure malice. Intentional. "Climate Change", my ass. California is a tinderbox because of it. Your FIL nailed it.
blank red MAGA hat in politics
0 ups, 6y
Since she backed Hillary Clinton instead of Bernie Sanders in the last election, I created this in response to Elizabeth Warren announcing her 2020 Presidential bid.