But I agree. If and where it exists, institutions should cease their racial discrimination (there is only one race after all). But it is much harder to to dismantle or de-systemize discrimination of class, culture, age, gender, etc. (I assume we can agree on that). From your answer, I will take it that the second question is the one you chose for reverse discrimination. You keep telling me what others think or should think. I just wanted to hear what you thought.
If you want to continue dialectic... then, back to the original meme: How would you answer the question if said reverse discrimination instead of racism? I'm interested to hear if that substitution would reverse your choice. (And the original question was see, not ignore.)
Certainly. Most artifacts that are deemed racist, or a discrimination based on the degree of skin color, are demonstrably prejudices actually based on class and cultural differences. Those are where the fire is burning. I would go so far as to say that, shades of color are the least divisive of the three.