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HarleyQuinn2.0 (30)
Joined 2022-07-13
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Joe Biden in politics
0 ups, 2y
He still better than Trump!!
Joe Biden in politics
0 ups, 2y
Trump will act like that he is running get your donations and back out because he can’t stand defeat we already seen what happened people have lost their lives because he couldn’t take that he lost. He’s a grifter he even Grifted that you guys into believing that there will be a wall
Joe Biden in politics
0 ups, 2y
No I think That person is an Adderall sniffer like Trump and do not tell me he doesn’t sniff Adderall because most people who watch the press conference is not Fox News would see a pill a piece of pill fly out of his nose that’s why he sniffs up after every time he talks. He actually crashed a funeral of a person he never met instead of giving a eulogy he kept on talking about how The election was stolen from him. I don’t watch news I watch the press conference which I don’t understand when he would call a conference because if someone is there a question he would say you’re dumb and walk off even the person that announces the president even said oh no not him again and I’m not joking that’s a fact
Joe Biden in politics
0 ups, 2y
Listen people Biden has nothing to do with inflation do you understand that when Trump was in office we had Covid so everything was cheap because we were supposed to be in quarantine and people lost a lot of money because the idiot knew there was Covid it was already leaked his phone call but now we’re back in going out going to work And driving our cars so people are trying to make up for what they lost it’s called supply and demand so please read a book I’m not a Biden fan and I’m not a Trump fan anybody is better than Trump a turd is better than Trump but please pick up a book and read