Dear HalgeirEpicmemer, I am delighted that you finally show some understanding of the character! But to presume that I have ONLY seen the movie and series, I have never in my life felt quite as attacked as I do right now. It is because of my own and my family's lack of means that I, as an induvidual who feel a deep adoration towards literature, have not been ABLE to read the book. Nevertheless, I feel that I am qualified to speak of the matter, as I have seen and analyzed the series and movies a number of times. I spend several hours everyday searching for information on the suject online. In addition, my own father OWNS AND MANAGES the Jane Austen blog: (This is also the reason for my family's economic troubles, everybody go follow him!). Onto Mr. Wicham, the women absolutely adores him, and as the lovely chad that he in fact is, he can not bring himself to reject them. That is not in his civil nature. Without meaning to he leads on girls, unfortunately often young girls. As the loving creature that he is, he ends up in bed with quite a few. Conclution; everybody wants a piece of Wickham which indicates him being a chad.
Mr. Wickham was nothing but lovly and charming in his relation with Elizabeth. It is common knowlegde that Wickham was treated badly by the loathsome Mr. Darcy. You can not say that he is aggressive, it is reasonble to be a little assertvie and manipulative after such a grievous experience. Mr. Collins does not deserve such a subhuman as you defending him. #respectWickham
I highly respect Collin, as he is a very compound and enchanting. My reasoning for calling Mr. Wickham a chad is how he treats women and values money. Thats is an ideal chad.