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Grimm_Nightmares (23630)
Joined 2021-08-13
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denji and pochita in Drawings
0 ups, 5mo
Pochita in this image is giving me Cheems vibes.
ATSV Rp because yes. Rules in tags ig in Role_Play
0 ups, 5mo
(Hate to be annoying for this, but it's They instead of He. Please keep that in mind.)
*Billy sighs* "Sometimes I forget why I'm friends with him" *They mutter as they check the watch for what genes they can switch out for spider genes. They immediately see "Organic Webs", "Spider-Sense" and "Wall Crawling" pop up as options in 3 out of the four "Extra Abilities" slots and spider genes in most of the other normal slots like strength, reflexes, and stamina, but what they choose that isn't Spider Related is the speed gene, which they swap out for cheetah genes because 70 MPH land speed is pretty fun to experience. They press the confirm button, changing the genes, and Glitch literally 5 seconds after they're done doing that.* "Right, I still need to get my Day Pass." *And with that, they start swinging toward Enny, which is a bit weird considering the fact that they look like someone wearing a Kitsune Mask wearing Civilian clothes.*
(Ok this is way more than I expected lmao)
ATSV Rp because yes. Rules in tags ig in Role_Play
0 ups, 5mo
(I've been making Billy for over a year lmao)
*Billy walks through the portal*
ATSV Rp because yes. Rules in tags ig in Role_Play
0 ups, 5mo
'Sure, just lemme put on my special watch so that I can actually control my genetics lol'
About a minute later...
'Alright, you can open the portal now.'
(A little bit of extra info: Billy can't really control their genetics by themselves, so they made a special watch-like gadget that maps out all the possible gene combinations at the moment and allows him to select the specific genetic traits that he wants to swap out and what to swap them out for. How can it do this? Direct contact with Billy's bloodstream and around 12 chips with a storage of 2 Terabytes, for a total of 24 Terabytes just in case. Even Billy doesn't know how they got the chips, they just found the chips at their doorstep one day.)
ATSV Rp because yes. Rules in tags ig in Role_Play
0 ups, 5mo
'You're gonna get your ass kicked by him at some point lol. Also, did you ask him about me joining the Spider-Team yet?'
(The reason that Billy is asking this is that they have the ability to kinda sorta change some of their genetics to match the genetics of other creatures, so if they really wanted to, they could be a Spider-Person. Also, they're bored and need something to focus on aside from school and engineering for once, so they thought it'd be cool to join the "Spider-Team" as they call it.)
(Oh yeah, and I almost forgor to tell you about this: Billy is Non-Binary)