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GreenMemer (9584)
Joined 2020-08-12
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Time make some funny ragdolls in Team_Fortress_two
0 ups, 6mo
Looking back, I was far too condescending with this reply. I am sorry.
Why is it just these arcs that hurt? The Waluigi arc is the next closest and it's nothing compared to these in fun
0 ups, 9mo
Because the first half was about anime and then it kinda turned into the whole anime war where Destiny died
Clever text: in fun
0 ups, 9mo
I literally have not visited this site for like 2 years. You having commented reminded me I ever used this site
Clever text: in fun
0 ups, 9mo
Dawg this was... Years ago. I play an instrument now and Glitch productions somehow made it big.
Time make some funny ragdolls in Team_Fortress_two
1 up, 2y
Same but I don't remember which is which.