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Golden_Toast (310782)
Joined 2021-09-04
Ok if life is unfair to everyone isn't life actually fair -.-
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Trust a Nun ! in Dark_humour
0 ups, 1y
i had to pause and reread cuz i read explosions and crap as 2 separate things you liked :)
And I'm not asking for an apology, it's just my opinion on the topic, the same as you having yours. I'm not telling you to not find it funny I'm just saying i don't find it funny- not anymore anyway.
Trust a Nun ! in Dark_humour
0 ups, 1y
so it's just a humor bias then- just the fact that you find only specific religions being negatively stereotyped funny?
Trust a Nun ! in Dark_humour
0 ups, 1y
although i do agree, if i didn't want to see these sort of memes i shouldn't have chosen the dark humor section. you're right on that account:)
Trust a Nun ! in Dark_humour
0 ups, 1y
but here's what I don't get- everyone stereotypes americans and italians and asians- these are based on nationality more than anything and there's no lack of them. But Islam seems to be the only -religion- that faces stereotyping- not just any kind tho- but false and baseless accusations to murder and violence.. i dunno it seems off to me
Trust a Nun ! in Dark_humour
0 ups, 1y
that's just it tho- i've seen so many dark humor memes that were definitely offensive to some or the other group of people- and ngl i have in the past thought they were passable in terms of humor, so when i see these and feel some sort of guilt i -personally- feel like a hypocrite. And listen I mean this is the nicest way possible, the fact that you felt like i was overreacting kind of proves that stereotyping might as well be one of the most offensive things you can do to a person in modern times.