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GoldenSaurus (35016)
Joined 2023-04-26
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Based in Real_Politics
0 ups, 2w
I hate to burst your bubble, but pretty much the majority of British youth is liberal. Very few are conservative and they're dwindling with each passing generation. Conservatives in the UK will become extinct. Don't be surprised that she might be liberal, like 85% of British millennials and Zoomers are liberal.
I don't care about Taylor Swift in fun
1 up, 6mo
I think hatred is a form of caring. In a negative way.
The internet is not our liberator, it is our oppressor in fun
1 up, 7mo
It's not really political, there are other things that are non-political that are authoritarian and radical, like animal rights, militant veganism, and Religious extremism. And they're being spread by the internet.
#Astely2024 to vote say I voted Rick in the comments in fun
0 ups, 7mo
Rick is British though, you gotta be a natural born citizen. And we will never be subjects to Britain again. So Nope.
Yes in fun
0 ups, 8mo
Incel and Alt-Right forums.