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Glucose29 (72)
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In opposition of HFY in fun
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The video "Weaponizing Young Men with Fear," recently made by DarkMatter2525,; encapsulates one of the many reasons I hate this sci-fi subgenre. HFY, by a majority percent of its stories, is just an off branch of military, which consists of mostly young American men authors.

You and others didn't come to the conclusion that aliens were inherently evil on your own. Outside influence in the form of American media told you they were. Hollywood funded by the American military makes alien invasion films to paint them in a good light and sell Americans the narrative that aliens are your enemy and they attack your way of life, Battleship (2012) for example. Sci-fi books by white men who are military enthusiasts in the 20th century, sold Americans the narrative that aliens were blood thirsty monsters by both definitions that are out to get you and it's noble and heroic that people join the military to violently genocide them.The video game industry is influenced by both of these and reinforces this narrative. Media uses people's fears of the unknown to think a certain way (33:34 - 35:35 in Darmatter2525's video summarizes my sentiment in this paragraph very well). You, me, and others had this narrative shoved down our throats whenever we wanted to consume sci-fi media. HFY is the culmination of this cultural narrative that young men ate up when they got into science fiction. HFY is a symptom of a the greater problem of manufactured consent.

I actually started making this fan-fiction based on the cartoon: Alienators Evolution Continues, based on Ivan Reitman and Don Jakoby's Evolution (2001) in fall 2021 after discovering it on Youtube. It was the straw that broke the camel's back for me after seeing so much sci-fi paint aliens as evil invaders. This fanfiction makes the alien villain who has shown the characteristics of an indomitable spirit, a president of a nation and new civilization on one half of Earth which he will lead and take care of his kind; in partnership with a American military general turned dictator; which would not last long as it turns into a cold war similar to now with China, years later. When I discovered Hfy in March of this year, it infuriated me and motivated me to make this fan-fiction even more as there is almost no sci-fi story like it. Also, Part V of his video about fulfillment, motivates me even more now to make this fiction as I really enjoy making it.