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GeneralCaos (1346)
Joined 2018-01-03
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MAGA NPC in politics
1 up, 3y
Antifa are fascist f**ker. LOL... if you don't believe what they believe they burn your town down! Just because they have the word Anti fascist doesn't mean they are. Just because BLM says "Black Lives Matter" doesn't mean they mean it.

Black Lives Matter until they have a different and lets just ignore the amount of black on black crime.

"Black Lives Matter" when blacks can be exploited for political purposes.

So, look in the mirror and tell yourself who's the real racist? Antifa burns down predominantly black towns.

By supporting Antifa, you might as well support the KKK, racist shit bag Leftist
MAGA NPC in politics
1 up, 3y
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Found the brainwashed triggered mainstream media puppet. tV sAy oRaNge mAn bad. Ok f**ker,

Matt gaetz is demanding the taped to be released what does he have to hide?

Bill Clinton rapes kids, Hunter biden has child porn on his laptop and the FBI has a child porn investigator reviewing it.

Three times Trump was proven not to have colluded

Antifa and BLM are domestic terrorist. The first person arrested at the Capitol was a BLM member.

The mainstream media profits from racism

The CDC says the virus has a 99% survival rating. They used the virus to steal the election. Five governors purposely put people in nursing homes to drive up the numbers, 3rd degree murder.

Your side lost all support. Your side wouldn't need to import voters or make election laws federal and allow just any and every one to vote

Your side claims blacks can't be no one because of the past when that's been proven wrong. But your side insists they rely off of the government.

"Black Lives Matter" until they have a different opinion.

Business board up their places because of Antifa and BLM, not Trump supporters.

Your side allows illegals in to import voters and they care more about illegals than the people on the streets.

They are empowering the Cartel at the border. Under Trump is was a crisis, under Biden it's a "challenge".

The Green New Deal is a collectivism scam

Pete Buttigieg got caught lying riding his bike pretending to come to work and being environmental when he got caught unloading it from half a mile away.

You're in for a rude awakening, get f**ked!
MAGA NPC in politics
1 up, 3y
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
MAGA NPC in politics
1 up, 3y
There are only two genders
Ban abortions
No reparations
Mask don't work
Make are political theater
Antifa and BLM are domestic terrorist

Now, what snowflake?