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Gazbaz77 (965)
Joined 2017-05-23
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One Does Not Simply in fun
0 ups, 7y
Why would I want to join the army? It's down to them why this shit is happening! Forget it. I'll just go light a candle and carry on as normal. I'm out.
One Does Not Simply in fun
0 ups, 7y
Do you know the bomber that just blew lots of innocent children up in the UK.

The police had been informed about him spouting radical nonsense around the area he lived in. But did nothing.

A woman at that arena informed the security about some one she thought looked suspicious and was acting strangely. Only to be told to go sit back down because they were afraid of offending anyone.

They need removing from our society. If that offends them, then so be it. They'll have to take their anger out on our forces in their own country. At least they're equipped and trained for it, unlike all the innocent children that lost their life's enjoying a pop concert.
One Does Not Simply in fun
0 ups, 7y
Stop being so politically correct for a start. Stop fearing offending people who only want to see us dead and our way of life destroyed.

If more people stood up or protested more to toughen up on these parasites and remove them from a society they hate, the more chance the poweres that be might do what the people want.

I'm sorry but candlelit vigils and hugs aren't going to change anything.

If we'd done that during the previous wars, we would be speaking another language right now.
One Does Not Simply in fun
0 ups, 7y
Nope. I agree with everything you said. But carrying on as normal is not going to achieve any of the above.

People need to wake up and stop accepting this shit as normal, as it's far from it.
One Does Not Simply in fun
0 ups, 7y
but the more we carry on as normal and don't deal with the route cause the terrorists will also carry on as normal.

The longer we keep carrying on as normal, the longer the unaffected people in power will allow it to happen.