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GaryBenson (2022)
Joined 2018-03-21
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the real reason we need the 2nd amendment, in politics
16 ups, 6y
I'll weigh in on this. The Branch Davidians were suspected of having illegal arms. There was no due process, no day in court. David Koresh could have been taken peacefully and legally with a warrant a dozen times in the week or two before the ATF raid. Koresh was in stores and restaurants in Waco, Texas several times in the same room with agents who could have exercised a warrant. This is all documented. They chose instead to make an example and raided the compound. Under Texas state law, if someone forcibly tries to enter your home you may shoot them. The ATF, as I understand it did not identify themselves in the initial raid, they just tried to breach the compound in a show of force. No law broken there, except by the federal authorities who didn't identify themselves. There was a fifty or so day siege with negotiations with the Branch Davidians, and after almost two months, it was embarrassing to the administration and Janet Reno greenlighted a breech with armored assault vehicles, which triggered a fire that burned 76 people to death. 76 people died on her order. When the investigations were finished, it was concluded that the Branch Davidians had broken no laws and had no illegal weapons. They were legal gun dealers. It was how they financed their religion. You inferred that David Koresh was a criminal. Cults are not illegal under our constitution. Our first freedom in the Bill of Rights is freedom of religion. Just because a cult is weird or doesn't believe the way you do does not make them illegal. Black lives? Blue lives? Black and Blue lives? How about a government that doesn't turn it's weapons on it's citizens? Four dead in OHIO, Ruby Ridge Idaho, Waco Texas, and on and on and on
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 6y
Please educate me. If not slavery, what was the cause of the Civil War? You are correct in one aspect, though. Schools have pretty much ceased to exist in America, now we have indoctrination centers. Centers that try to revise history to make us believe that slavery was not the cause of the Civil War. It's okay, though because books that were written at the time of the Civil War, by people who were there and knew what was what still exist. You can read them and know without a shadow of a doubt that the people who fought the Civil War knew what they were fighting about and fighting for. Here's a revelation, it wasn't what revisionist historians want you to believe.
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 6y
Since you are interested in history, faux or otherwise, let's get some historical facts correct. 1. Abraham Lincoln did not start the Civil War, it was thrust upon him, so what his motivations were or were not are unimportant. The South started the Civil War so only their motivation is important.
2. The South started the civil war over States Rights. STATES RIGHTS TO HOLD SLAVES!
3. Abraham Lincoln's views on slavery were well known and when he was elected and because he was elected, the South seceded from the Union because they believed their way of life (SLAVERY) was threatened. Slavery was the major cause that started the Civil War. Any of the minor causes, by themselves would not have been enough to cause the South to secede.
Prove me wrong