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Fugzy68 (2576)
Joined 2020-03-26
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True but Misleading in politics
0 ups, 5y
And your comment got 1 upvote... WOOHOO, you had one person like your comment... let's throw you a parade!! LOL!
True but Misleading in politics
0 ups, 5y
Comprehension can be your friend! What is the title of this meme? True but misleading! Do you comprehend what that means? What is in quotes was said by Scott Adams (or "Dilbert" creator as you put it) I added Like Donald Trump Does - no quotes. Nothing about that meme is false correct? but because I added my opinion to the bottom you ASSUMED that he said that as well. Hence the point of the meme. If you can't comprehend what is and what is not "quoted" I think you will have the hard time figuring out life in general. This is how Cadet Bone spurs has spent his entire presidency... Misleading people...