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Fritzy_Gale (373785)
Joined 2022-05-13
Projects: 1. L.B.R.R (Alternate Reality Canadian Rail Road) 2. Glitch Gameverse (Formerly "Reality Breach" Project
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2104 Creations

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Latest Comments

I mean, there technically burning money if they let the murder drones kill probably millions of dollar worker drones in Murder_Drones
0 ups, 1y
V was in denial and never found out about earths destruction, the company didn't send the D.D's Cyn did
Important!!!!! (13+ to follow discord TOS) in Murder_Drones
0 ups, 1y
For this stream yes i don't think the imflip website has its own discord
Untitled Image in Murder_Drones
1 up, 1y
My boyfriend cut my arm off, solver ruined the moment
Important!!!!! (13+ to follow discord TOS) in Murder_Drones
0 ups, 1y
server is still a WIP but i plan to have it full operational by early next year
Vefebfwbkvkd let sqj je in Murder_Drones
0 ups, 1y
prob moved on