Ahhh, yeah, there is a lot of it. Kickbacks, money laundering, probably even direct bribes.
Why else would those demonrats cry and whine so much to try and stop this?
I get it. Even if you have nothing to hide, that doesn't mean you want your privacy violated.
But this isn't privacy. This is public money. This is my tax dollars and possibly even yours. Definitely yours if you pay taxes, but I won't jump to any conclusions on that one.
That's a good point. Those fcuks were doing everything they could, legal or otherwise, to stop him.
Let me clarify what you said, so I am sure to understand. When you said sit on that until the midterms, did you mean until just before the midterms? Or sometime after?
I can see waiting until, but not after. That would make it look like his name is on the list, whether it is or not. There are the willfully ignorant out there who would lap up the media pablum if they went to town on him not releasing it until after the midterms.