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FancyMeme (6802)
Joined 2021-10-03
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MIBU - Disturbing Facts in fun
1 up, 6mo
Animals are actually considered below objects in China. Killing stolen animals in China doesn't go under destruction of stolen property
MIBU - Disturbing Facts in fun
0 ups, 6mo
killed a cat by putting it in a blender
Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny Extended HD in fun
0 ups, 8mo
As for daisys destruction, it's a livestream of a man and 3 women torturing 3 small children with the audience giving requests, including forcing one to dig her own grave. The other 2 escaped with the help of Scully's wife but the one who dug her own grave unfortunately died. Thankfully Scully was sentenced to life in prison in 2015